Monday, October 12, 2009

Title Goes HERE!

So today, I figured I would start out early typing my blog and add to it through out the day! The time is currently 9:26 a.m and I have been up about an hour. I've got a butt load of work to get done in my two days of Fall Break. I have a book I have to read by tonight.. and I don't even have the book, so I will be making my way to Barnes and Noble in just a bit ...and then my outline and workscited page is due for my online class.(and I have three test this week...) OMG, when will school freaking end?? I'm just not a huge fan of school work... which is ironic since my major is elem. education... :) I also plan to eventually take some photography classes... I don't want to major in photography..but my love for taking pictures is by far my highest passion... I'm also going to be taking a sign language class. At work the other day I saw a man and he was deaf. He said thank you to me in sign language and I just couldn't remember how to say your welcome. It kind of broke my heart that I couldn't talk back to him. I think that was a sign from God that I need to learn sign language... I never know when I may need it.. and being a teacher, it will most def. help!!!

9:55 a.m.Well a small amount of time went by and I realized I forgot to talk about my awesome Halloween costume... can't wait!! I am going to be the .... bum bum bum .... QUEEN OF HEARTS, yours in particular.. Matt will be my king of course.. some friends & I at school are going as the Alice in Wonderland characters.. it should be fun, but it's going to be really hard to beat last years Wizard of Oz crew, we were freaking amazing!!! & yes I did go trick or treating!!!

.... so my fiance's roommate just walked in the door, I think he's a creeper... haha JUST FOOLIN...


5:40 p.m... so i bet you wouldn't believe that I have been working on my research paper ALL STINKING DAY!!!...
the rest of the day involved cooking a pizza and taking a shower.
I'm sick of looking at the computer screen... soooo it seems as if my plan to type little by litte didn't work out.. I'll try again tomarra.

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