Sunday, February 14, 2010

Holy Crap, I haven't Blogged in FOREVER. I am lame, and I like it.. so yeah.
For anyone who reads this, alot has happened since Christmas of 09.

I've changed schools.. I'm a freaking REBEL now!
I've set a (for sure) wedding date... JUNE 18th 2011
I've picked out a wedding dress way in advance. IT"S AMAZING! :)
I've had a 21st Birthday party where Chad Chaffin bought me my first DRaNK! :)
OK. alot has happened, but that's the main key points.

I'm excited about life but I hate school. It sux. I'm hoping things start becoming more interesting. hmm. so yeah. that's pretty much it.
Bow Chicka Bow Wow! :)